Ridge Landfill Draft EA

Draft EA

Environmental Assessment

Draft EA Report
Table of Contents
Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Definitions
Executive Summary
Section 1. Introduction
Section 2. Overview of the EA Process
Section 3. Description of the Environment Potentially Affected
Section 4. Consideration of the Alternative Methods
Section 5. Description of the Preferred Alternative
Section 6. Impact Assessment of the Preferred Alternative
Section 7. Monitoring, Reporting and Commitments
Section 8. Consultation
Section 9. Waste Diversion
Section 10. Other Approvals
Attachment 1. Alternative Methods Evaluation Criteria
Attachment 2. Site Development Alternatives Net Effects Assessment
Attachment 3. Landfill Gas Management Alternatives Net Effects Assessment
Attachment4. Leachate Treatment Alternatives Net Effects Assessment
Attachment 5. Alternative Methods Comparative Evaluation Tables
Attachment 6. Alternative Methods Evaluation Supporting Memos
Attachment 7. Impact Assessment Criteria and Summary of Potential Effects
Draft EA Appendices
Appendix A1 - Approved Terms of Reference
Appendix A2 - Technical Work Plans
Appendix B - Record of Consultation
Appendix C - Commitments Tables
Appendix D1 - Agricultural Impact Assessment
Appendix D2A - Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment Stages 1 and 2
Appendix D2B - Archaeological Impact Assessment Stages 1 and 2
Appendix D3A - Atmospheric Impact Assessment
Appendix D3B - Climate Change Impact Assessment
Appendix D4 - Assessment of Potential Bird Hazards to Aircraft Safety
Appendix D5 - Biological Impact Assessment
Appendix D6 - Design and Operations Report
Appendix D7 - Hydrogeological Impact Assessment
Appendix D8 - Landfill Site and Haul Route Noise Impact Assessment
Appendix D9 - Socio-Economic Impact Assessment
Appendix D10 - Surface Water Impact Assessment
Appendix D11 - Transportation Impact Assessment
Appendix D12 - Visual Impact Assessment
Appendix E - Diversion Options Report
Appendix F - Other Supporting Documents